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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Visit = Knowledge

Minggu lepas hari Isnin (13-4-2009) pergi rumah Ain...
Dah lama tak jumpa Ain, rindu kat Ain, sebab tu pergi Seremban nak jumpa Ain. Kebetulan pulak cuti hari Isnin.. masa sampai kat rumah Ain, ada jugak family abang ain yang kerja pilot. Ain kata, Jumaat ni dorang ada family vacation.. Sebab tu abang Ain ni balik dengan family, untuk pergi vacation tu la..
Jumpa la Papa dengan BgPis, sembang-sembang dengan dorang pasal application pilot tu.. Dorang pon terkejut jugak masa Ain bagitau MARA kata tak ada duit untuk bagi loan kat budak2 yang apply pilot mintak pilot..

Papa Ain kata, jangan mengharap sangat untuk terpilih jadik 10 kadet pilot airasia tu sebab competition terlalu besar dan cara pemilihan kadet
berdasarkan hasil penulisan blog macam tak relevan..
Sebab nak jadik normal kadet, kena lalui ujian ni ujian tu dengan interview lagi..
takkan la tulis blog je senang-senang jadik cadet pilot kan...

Bgpis pulak kata, masa interview tu just jawab jer ape yang interviewers tanya,
jangan tunjuk terer sangat... Lagipon, yang interview tu pon bukannye pilot,
dorang tu dari bahagian human resource mana la tau ape yang pilot belajar...
Cuma personality masa pergi interview tu kena jaga la,
dressing, rambut, baju, penampilan and all la...

Papa Ain tengah bagi explanation pasal aircraft.. yang tepi kiri tu la Bg Pis..

Tengahari hari tu makan laksa kat rumah Ain, pekat giler kuah laksa tu...
Dah brape tahun tah aku tak makan laksa sebab aku ni
jarang nak makan makanan selain dari nasik...
Pastu pulak makan nasik lagi… Sembang-sembang dengan Mak Ain dan Kak Zaza (isteri BgPis) sambil makan... Kak Zaza cite la pasal anak-anak dia skola kat international school...
Cite silibus yang dorang belajar kat sana, cite aktiviti kat sana...
Kat sana Kak Zaza jadik cikgu Bahasa Malaya kat rumah... ajar anak-anak dia...
sebab kat sana mana ada dorang ajar bahasa Melayu...
Lebih kurang dengan KakLong (kakak ain yang sulung) la jugak ni,
kaklong pon jadik cikgu jugak untuk anak-anak dia...
Kena ajar anak-anak dia masa dok kat arab dulu...

Camtu la aktiviti seharian kat rumah Ain, sembang-sembang dengan family ain sume... hmmm... sekarang ni dah tak takut sangat dah nak jumpa dengan BgPis...
Dah kurang dah sikit... Sekarang cuma takut dengan Bg Tapa je,
tak pernah sembang-sembang dengan Bg Tapa lagi...
selama ni jumpa salam jer pernah la...

Untung la datang umah Ain kali ni, dapat makan, dapat knowledge jugak..
Dapat jumpa Pilot (BgPis), ajar menda-menad yang perlu tau
untuk prepare jadik pilot in future..
Life is getting more interesting bile jumpa orang yang sudi kongsi knowledge..

First Wedding of Ten ROX!!

Hari ni Ahad (19/4/2009) pegi wedding Yaya.. Yaya ialah kawan yang kenal masa skola kat MRSM Jasin dlu.. Rakan kelas 10 atau TEN ROX!! Yaya ni jugak ialah teammate masa buat tesis.. Hari ni Yaya punyer wedding day belah suami dia, Hafizal.. Wedding day belah Yaya ialah ahad minggu lepas, tapi tak jadi pergi sebab sume yang plan nak pegi, Meeza dengan Bad ada masalah masa last2 minute.. So kitorang tak jadik la pegi.. Sian Yaya, tertunggu-tunggu kitorang minggu lepas.. Rasa bersalah tak pergi wedding Yaya since Yaya ialah first classmate yang kawen.. She broke the nutshell of marriage for TEN ROX!!.. Hehe..

Actually, dulu-dulu ada jugak bersembang-sembang dalam kelas.. Sape yang akan kawen first antara kitorang sume.. Mula-mula yang Nampak akan kawen dulu ialah Bad, sebab Bad ni playboy.. Asek awek je.. Time tu nama glamer awek dia ialah Fantagiro (watak dalam muvi Cave of Golden Roses)… Lain dari Bad, kitorang rasa Ezatul Hamtaro pon boleh jadik calon.. Sebab Eza ni, dia ni time tu ada hati nak kawen dengan anak owner Habib Jewel.. Kui kui kui.. Tapi, aleh-aleh Yaya yan kawen dulu.. tak sangka langsung sebab Yaya ni pendiam jer kat kelas dulu, tak banyak cakap.. Even masa sembang-sembang time buat tesis pon tak banyak cakap jugak.. Friendly, periang.. camtu la.. Tak sangka plak Yaya yang kawen dulu..

Hari ni datang wedding Yaya ni dah kire mesti la, kire peluang kedua, sebab aritu dah tak jadik.. So, plan la reramai, tapi aku dengan Bajat je yang free dan boleh datang.. Akhirnya ahli Partition Lahanat (Min dan Bajat) yang masih bersama-sama dan bersatu hati nak pergi wedding Yaya.. Kitorang pon datang la.. Sebelum sampai tu sesat, agak sejam jugak la sesat.. Aku jadik navigator dan Bajat bawak keta.. Akhirnya sampai jugak, sesudah encik polis yang bagi tunjuk arah.. (kesimpulannya : tak tau jalan.. terus tanya encik polis, jangan tunjuk terer).. Time sampai tu pulak ujan lebat giler.. Sampai pengantin pon kena tempias hujan.. Dan masa tu la Bajat soh aku tuliskan kad ucapan untuk pengantin.. Baik Bajat ni, tuliskan mewakili sume kawan-kawan yang tak dapat datang.

Salam keluarga pengantin laki dan jumpa suami Yaya.. Hmmm.. Leh tahan, hensem, tinggi, smart (aku bukan gay).. Padan sangat dengan Yaya.. Nampak soft spoken.. Dapat la sembang2 kejap dengan Yaya dan Hafizal walopon kelam kabut dalam hujan tu.. Hmmm.. Hopefully dapat trime kitorang sume yang havoc dan giler2 ni.. Tanya2 camne dorang leh jumpa.. Hmm. Menarik2 cara dorang berkenalan.. Nak tau kena tanya Yaya sendiri la.. takleh bagitau sebab mahal story ni..

Lama giler tak jumpa Yaya ni, since lepas SPM dulu.. Ada la dalam 5-6 tahun.. Tapi bile tengok Yaya arini, teringat zaman skola dlu2.. Teringat kisah cinta Yaya masa kat skola, teringat kisah2 buat tesis dulu.. Hehe.. Sronok dapat jumpa kawan lama.. Tapi rasa rugi tak datang wedding kat umah Yaya minggu lepas, sebab ramai kawan-kawan skola datang jugak masa tu.. Clasmate kitorang yang ada masa kenduri umah Yaya 2, Syikin, Aimi dengan Sakinah..

Kenduri belah Hafizal ni temanya ialah peach.. Yaya pakai baju warna peach… hafizal plak pkai baju melayu warna putih, tengkolok dengan sampan warna peach.. sedondon.. Yaya pakai mahkota dengan rantai panjang jugak.. Hmm.. Raja sehari yang sama cantik sama padan..

Bajat sebelum balik dari kenduri tu sempat lagi soh aku tapau ayam seketul.. Tapi Bajat yang kelaparan tu, mesti la tak cukup seketul.. Ikut hati nak amek je ayam goreng satu tray terus bawak masuk keta, tapi memandangkan kenduri masih berlangsung dan orang ramai masih makan lagi, maka tak jadik nak amek satu tray.. amek tiga ketul jer.. Bajat bawak keta jauh sket, pastu makan ayam goreng tapau tu..

Lepas balik dari kenduri, aku dan Bajat pegi dating berdua kat Mines Shopping Mall.. Kitorang jalan2 sembang2.. Kalo dah kitorang ni berjumpa, citer pasal kisah lama je la.. hehehe.. best je sembang-sembang.. cite pasal recent life.. Lepak minum2 kat kopitiam.. Dah malam, Bajat hantarkan aku balik sampai umah.. First time Bajat hantar sampai rumah, sebelum ni dia selalu hantar sampai Kl Sentral je.. Rajin plak bajat ni..

Tak tau nak kata camne perasaan tengok kawan dah kawen.. Rasa epi, rasa bertuah dapat tengok kawan kawen.. Rasa epi tengok Yaya dah jumpa teman hidup dia.. Rasa part of my dream dah tercapai.. Impian nak tengok kawan2 bahagia..

Selamat Pengantin Baru YAYA dan HAFIZAL!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Simulator dan kisahnya...

Simulator ialah sejenis alat yang mengandungi hardware dan software..
kombinasi kedua-dua makhluk ni mewujudkan situasi yang menyerupai situasi sebenar.. bergantung pada kelengkapan hardware dan ke'detail'an software..

Model ni digunakan oleh flying school untuk basic flying dorang, kata orang kedai tu la..
padahal x pon, flying school gune simulator yang 90% menyamai aircraft sebenar..
ni kire dia gebang je kata flying school pon pakai..
(moral of the story : jgn percaya sangat cakap orang yang menjual tu)

balik jer umah terus pasang menda tu.. tak sabar-sabar aku rasa nak bawak kapal terbang..
amek masa la jugak nak arrange the best position i could get..
akhirnya dah berjaya pasang.. then, install software plak..
ada macam-macam software simulator, tapi yang paling best
dan simulation yang paling tepat ialah Microsoft Flight Simulator X..
lama jugak nak install sebab ada dua DVD.. besar jugak saiz software ni..

paling best dan teruja bile mula-mula run software nih.. interface pon menarik..

So, mulakan dengan basic of flying.. take-off and landing.. mula dari kapal terbang Microlight yang cam rangka je tu hinggalah ke kapal terbang jumbo.. Terbang la ke mana saja yang aku rasa nak terbang selama ni.. aku ske bawak Boeing 737-400.. version lama B737.. Sebab all new pilot cadet yang masuk MAS akan bawak yang ni..

Bila dah 3-4 hari guna simulator tu, jadik gian plak.. balik keje je dengan tak mandi terus bawak kapal terbang.. bese la kan, nama pon bawak kapal terbang, pegi la tempat yang jauh sket.. Dari KLIA ke Penang..

"Flight MH5011, permission to fly as filed, to Penang airport"

tak la lama pon 45 minit jer.. tapi dari mula terbang sampai landing tu, dalam simulator, aku buat lebih kurang 2 jam.. mana tak nye, nak taxi dari gate pergi runway tu asek over throttle jer, terlajak dari landasan.. bile nak terbang dengan level flight senang la.. pastu auto-pilot jer.. tapi time landing tu, berpeluh-peluh.. nak kena handle throttle, nak descend perlahan-perlahan, nak bajet-bajet straight dengan runway.. nak turun landing gear, nak control flap lagi.. banyak gler nak kne control.. slame ni ingatkan senang jer.. bile dah bawak sendiri.. tau la gelabah giler..

Tapi paling best sebab dapat belajar sesuatu yang baru mengenai pilot.. walaupon cume sekadar simulator yang 20% real aircraft..

Tapi in the future nak beli flight simulator yang lebih lengkap.. nak beli set throttle, padels, plus another 3 monitor LCD saiz 21 inci.. baru la jadik 40% punyer simulator..



Set home simulator yang lengkap

Tapi wat masa nih aku cume boleh update new aircraft dan add-on jer.. banyakkan aircraft bermakna kena study checklist untuk aircraft.. kena tau handle situation kalo ada problem masa flight.. dalam beberapa hari lagi aku akan download dan install expansion pack plak.. tapi lepas aku dah terer la bawak kapal terbang commercial.. sebab expansion pack ni most fighter jets, race jets.. laju and susah nak handle compare dengan commercial jet..

Abis tu ape simulator yang 100% cam kapal terbang btol??

Jawapannye ialah simulator original la, bapak segala simulator.. contohnye yang ni.. Jangan kata gambar jer real, yang ni siap ada seat pastu sebijik cam dalam kokpit..

Lagi plak siap ada motion plak tu, boleh descend dengan incline.. best gler.. tapi yang ni punyer harga cume RM1.5 juta je.. Jadi pilot pon tak boleh beli jugak.. Itulah kisah simulator..

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

ngee.. i got through first level..

dah lepas first stage.. entry "So You Wanna Be A Pilot? (I Wanna Be!)" dah publish kat airasia punyer blog.. meaning that, i got a aspace to go for pilot.. next is going to the interview.. when? where? I don't know.. nanti dorang bagitau la kan.. sehingga saat ni dah ada 12 orang yang layak termasuk aku.. Maknenye setakat ni aku ada 11 pesaing.. tapi masih awal lagi untuk cakap ape2 pon.. sebab pertandingan ni still going on until15 may 2009.. lama lagi tu.. ada lebih kurang 43 hari lagi.. mungkin ada lebih kurang 100 orang yang akan terpilih kan? harap2 aku dapat jadik 10 orang yang terpilih..

Sunday, April 05, 2009

So You Wanna Be A Pilot?

This is my story…

What is pilot? The first time, I can remember looking at pilot is when I was about 8 years old,
my uncle from Sabah arrived at Subang Airport.
While waiting for him to come out of the arrival area, I saw 2 people walking side by side with hat on their head wearing blazer with shiny gold lines on the sleeves.
I said to my mother, “Umi, tengok tu ada ketua askar”.
My mother corrected me and said that they are pilots not “ketua askar”.
She explains that they are the “driver” of the aeroplane. That’s the first time I knew, what is pilot.. “aeroplane driver”. As time goes by, when I was in highschool in Form 3,
my mother went to US for her medical operation, that’s the time I decided that I am kind of like to be a pilot after I s
aw pilots at KLIA.
They walk and dress properly and looking very smart with cap and blazer, they caught my eye thinking that their job must be joyful. And when my mother came back from the US, she represented me with 2 aircraft models, B747 and B777 that she bought during her visit to Boeing factory after her operation. I became more interested to become a pilot and thinking that maybe I can become a pilot someday.

The most important moment in my life was the day I decided to live my life as a pilot.
It happened before my first flight. It was from KLIA to Nagoya, Japan, Sunday night at 235 hours. That was my trip for a month of Hippo Family’s Homestay Programme at my penpal’s house.
My family members were not familiar traveling
using aircraft, especially on my mother side. In fact, they haven’t board any aircraft before me.
When they heard about the news that I was going to Japan, one of my auntie said to me 2-3 weeks earlier, that it is very dangerous to fly because there are many air accidents happened. She highlighted the air crush in Sarawak few years earlier where a helicopter crushed into the rain forest
, all the passenger and captain were found dead. She told me how terrified the condition of the corps. That thing could happen to me she said.
She also said that I better cancel the trip for my own safety. After all, that was only homestay it’s not like a thing I must do she told more. My mother doesn’t know about this because she might be seduced by my auntie’s word and cancel the trip. So, I keep it as a secret between us.
At that time, the story she told me doesn’t bother me because I was really happy to go oversea for the first time of my life. The day I went to KLIA for my flight, I wait in the waiting lounge looking at the aircraft that I will board.

At that moment, my aunt’s story really haunts me. I was thinking of the movie Final Destination, where the aircraft blow and I was stuck in the middle explosion. I was thinking of going back home instead of board the aircraft and went to Japan. I really felt that aircraft was much more unsafe because that flight was at night – maybe the pilots don’t see other aircraft flying (that’s what on my mind). The worst thing was that I thought to quit my ambition to become a pilot.
All I thought was “I won’t go in. I don’t want to die like this”.
There was no one to talk to because most of the passenger is Japanese. I was so worried all by myself. And then the stewardess called for passenger to board the aircraft. Ofcourse I board the aircraft, if went back home and cancel the flight, I’ll waste the ticket that had been paid for me. My mother surely got angry, it is much better to take the risk and board the aircraft rather than got scold by my mother. That’s the worst thing ever. When I board the aircraft, I put my bag on my seat and I wait near the entrance, I was waiting for the pilot to enter the aircraft. I was still worry to fly in that aircraft. The stewardess tries to comfort me but it wasn’t enough, I stood still waiting for the pilots. When the pilots enter the door,
I go straight to one of them and ask him
“Is this aircraft safe to fly?”
“Will it explode in the sky?”
“Will it fall down during flight?”.
He asked me instead “Is this your first time?”.
“Yes” I replied.
He then told me this
“I fly this thing with full focus and I trained well,
your life are much more important to me than mine.
You’ll arrive safely, enjoy the flight”.

Suddenly my aunt’s horror story fade away and I feel so safe for the rest of the flight – I sleep most of the time. Thanks to that pilot. Maybe for others it was just a flight but for me that flight made me think that a job as a pilot is no ordinary job. The pilot was so calm even though I scratch his feeling by asking him stupid questions. He can even ignores me and ask the flight attendants to take care of me. Instead of doing that, he answers my questions. Showing that what he said comes form his heart, not a standard pilot-passenger guidebook phrases. But since then, I am very clear about my goal and there’s nothing hard enough to make me let go of my ambition as a pilot. I really look up to pilot with respect and I want to get in their shoes. My path to be a pilot.

As I get much more mature, I look the career of a pilot as something that is beyond career. Pilot is a lifestyle and becoming a pilot is not just passion, it is also involving high responsibilities and disciplines. So, I intended to be not just a pilot but a pilot with aerospace engineering knowledge. I want o become a pilot that have flying skills and also technical knowledge of aircraft and really understand the aircraft inside out. That’s the standard that I have for myself to become a pilot. For three years I devoted myself to study about aerospace.

The fundamentals of flying, the aerodynamics of aircraft, the aircraft maintenance and the aircraft systems are some of the subjects that I studied during my Diploma in Aerospace Mechanical Engineering back in UiTM Pulau Pinang (Dec 2005 – Nov 2008). Those precious 3 year paid off with crucial knowledge of aerospace engineering especially involving aircraft. Thus, now I am well prepared to be a pilot and I believe that it is the right time for me to become a pilot.

Beside knowledge, interpersonal skills and discipline also a requirement to become a pilot. For that reasons, I become an active student when I was studying diploma. I join student associations to learn to become a much more discipline person with interpersonal skills.

Through Majlis Perwakilan Komander Kesatria (MPKK) I earn discipline, the para-military association provide training such as marching and physical endurance. I earn discipline life through weekly and monthly trainings. I knew the important of time management, the responsibility I have for each duty given. Thus, working in a team as a leader or follower is a norm for me. I have conducted many activities and programmes when I was in Majlis Perwakilan Komander Kesatria such as Seminar on Organizing Association and Interpersonal Skill Seminar.

In class, I manage to come out with the idea to design own model aircraft base on the knowledge that I had learn during lectures. It’s not in the syllable to have such project, but for me, in order to really understand how aircraft fly, I must build one and learn from it.

So, I form a group of friends with the guidance of my Head of Aerospace Mechanical Engineering Programme – Mr. Iswadi. We manage to build and fly a model aircraft. The person in red is Mr. Iswadi

I was given the honor to fly it among my friends since my ambition is to be a pilot. There were many hiccups and problems before the aircraft can fly smoothly. 6 times the aircraft had fall, crash and also burned. But, the effort to rebuild and redesign the aircraft was so valuable to me, I learn that it was a big responsibility to fly an aircraft. There’s no room for mistake. Much more than that, I learn the responsibilities that I had when I am operating the aircraft. I become much more understand what a pilot carry on their shoulders, it’s not the epaulette rank but the responsibilities the pilot have to take.

My basic knowledge about aviation is stronger since I met a flight engineer that happens to be my friend’s dad. He is Mr. Baharuddin a Flight Engineer of Transmile with more than 30 years of flying experiences. As much as I want to know about pilot, he thought me the fundamental skills and the theories of flying when ever I came to his house. With that, I bear in my mind that knowledge he gave me. He gave me the big picture of a pilot’s lifestyle, the working schedule, the responsibilities and the risks. It made me much more understand what pilot really means. Sadly, he refuses to let his picture in this entry because he doesn’t want it to be publish on the web.

I did all of these things to ensure that I am well prepared to become not just pilot but a very good high standard pilot. Even though it took me few years but it was worth enough for me since I become a better person. A person with much more knowledge and well prepared to become a pilot. The best one I hope. For now, even though I am not attending any flying school. The learning process is still on going, my passion to become a pilot always opens a wide view for me to learn to become a pilot. Since I graduated my diploma level in November 2008, I read few books on how to get Commercial Pilot License. Even if I can’t afford to buy those books, I borrowed them at a nearby library. I believe that if there a will there will always a way to gain knowledge before I become a pilot.

Sometime people ask me, “Why do you want to be pilot?” "Why don't you go for pilot after SPM?"“Isn’t it wasting your time studying engineering” I answer them. I do everything with my pride. Pilot is my ambition, a job dedicated for people that have passion to fly, people with responsibility at heart, people who have discipline and self control. People who put their reputation to the ultimate challenge. I fit those criteria, I wanna go for pilot. I want to become the best pilot I could, so I have to really be prepared before I study as cadet pilot. If anything goes wrong, my pride is the price, I’ll lose them. I don’t want that to happen, my pride is the quality to be respect by other peoples. If I become pilot with lack of knowledge, I had crushed my reputation and pride. That’s the reason, I studied aerospace engineering earlier before I become a pilot. It’s not wasting time because the knowledge is useful for all my life time as pilot. I made them understand this noble career. Fly with pride.

The first thing to do when I knew I wanted to become a pilot is that I asked myself “Am I eligible to be a pilot?” “Do I qualify to wear the white uniform and the epaulette on my shoulder?” I search down through the internet and knew about a website that provide with information to become a pilot. With forums provided, I spoke to pilots and cadet pilots on the topics of “How can I become a pilot?”. They all helped me a lot and generously share their information and teach me. First of all, I sent letter to Department of Civil Aviation (DCA), Putrajaya asking them whether I can study as cadet pilot in local flying academy or not. Few weeks after, they told me through formal letter saying that I was granted the permission to study in flying academy since my SPM result meets DCA standard. Then, I went for medical check ups. There are stages of check up to be done. The Visibility Test, Physical Test, x-ray, Audio Test, Electrocardiogram (ECG) Test and Blood Test. The time when the doctor gave me the tests result.

He said that, for most of the test I’m doing well but the ECG test was bad because my heart beat is higher than the normal heart beat and it will go higher if I am flying. Too bad he said to me while giving me a piece of paper, I feel so sad about it hearing that my ambition is over before it even begin. Thinking that the paper was bill I walk toward the room’s door. I almost cry, my eye were red holding on my tears from coming off. But then, the doctor said, why don’t you look at that paper. I stopped and read it , and I began to smile. It was not bill but certificate saying that I passed all of those medical checks up tests. The doctor certified me as an eligible person to become a pilot. He was then smile and laugh at me, saying that I must be tougher to become pilot. With that certificate surely I am happy, forget the red eye. I will be a pilot.

The next thing is to apply for cadet pilot programme. And AirAsia provide such a unique and interesting chance for me to become a pilot. This is another positive step I have taken to go for pilot as my career. I walk the talk. I done all the things I could to realize my ambition and I tried and still trying my best to become a pilot. I hope my effort is impressive enough so that it can lead me to my successful life as a pilot. AirAsia here I come!! I wanna be your pilot !!!
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